Following who?
I don't have long to write, but just wanted to make note of one particular thing that has been in my mind recently, and when I say recently, I mean about 2 weeks ago haha, I wrote some of this post and have recently returned to it...but the thoughts are still legit, but this has been on my heart, and is simply stated..."A life lived unto God is useless unless it is lived in obedience TO God"
Obvious? Yes. Easy to live, no.
In this age of Christian celebrities (authors, muscians, pastors) honestly we've lost a sense of awe in the reason. In God. We feed off of others relationships with our Father, not out of our own. Its a sort of weird, misconstrued, and vicarious Christianity we've created. Christianity is supposed to be vicarious, it's supposed to be Jesus living through us. Yet we come so close to worshipping great men and women who merely have a relationship with the same God we all serve. We live in the relationship God has with Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, Beth Moore, Rob Bell, C.S. Lewis, or whoever you look up to. I'm not saying we shouldn't have spiritual heroes or that we cannot learn from their experiences, but what I am saying is that there comes a point where we must seek to relate with God and interact with God in such a way that it far surpasses our desire to BE like our heroes. Our Savior is intimate, He is personal, and asks of His followers an intimate and personal obedience.
Jesus says in John 15, "I am the vine, you are the branches, he who abides in me and I in Him bears much fruit." It is only through our Savior that we find fulfillment, life, and purpose. At the close of the book of John, Jesus is walking with His disciples after His resurrection. Jesus looks at Peter and tells Peter how he will die... after Peter learns how he himself will meet his own demise, Peter then looks at the Apostle John and asks Jesus, "What about John? How will he die?" Jesus' response reflects what we, as His followers, should emulate. Jesus says to Peter, "What is it to you, Peter, if John remains alive till I return? It doesn't matter to you, you follow me Peter."
Christ calls us to His vision of the world, and let me be careful to not let my relationship with my Creator become founded on any other rock except for Jesus Himself.
Living a like a loved fugitive..
I was talking with my brother earlier, and he mentioned to me the book he was reading called "Crazy Love", and in this book, the author describes how God is relentless towards us. And that completely took me aback. I mean, we know God is all-loving, He died for us, but describing someone as relentless? For whatever reason that strikes home for me. Relentless to me describes Harrison Ford, as well as the Police chasing him in the movie. Ford will stop at nothing to prove his innocence, he relentlessly searches for evidence to clear his name. While the law enforcement is always, relentlessly, on his tail.
How does the idea that God relentlessly pursues you change your everyday thinking? He definitely does. Its a pursuit of you that is greater than any manhunt, or human love story. The relentless love of our God toward us has nothing to do with punishment, because I think a lot of times we view our God as pursuing us as soon as we step out of line, and then after He whips us back into shape, He leaves. Nothing could be further from the truth. God relentlessly pursues us because it was He who designed us! He knows whats best for us, and when we deviate from that course, He puts us back on track with loving grace and mercy. I seem to have a problem calling it "loving grace and mercy", because to be honest, grace and mercy hurt sometimes. When I sin, its not always pretty what God must put me through in order to get it through my thick skull that sin is the destroyer of my soul! But, the Bible says, "those who God loves, He disciplines!" So you see, at the root of our relentlessly loving God is a motive of pure love.
God is patient and relentless toward us, here and now. Seeking us. Protecting us. Guiding us. Correcting us. There is no depth that you can fall into, no mountain that you can climb, no ocean you can swim that will effectively release you from God's pursuit of you. (check Romans 8, amazing.) No matter where you are in your walk with Him. Whether you're running like Jonah, or walking like Enoch, God is pursuing you! He's relentless. Stopping at nothing.
So picture yourself as a fugitive, a sinner. On the road, seeking your innocence, you're escape. But when we look behind us at the one in relentless pursuit, we surprisingly see not our accuser, Satan, but our Savior, Jesus Christ.
What is your response to this relentless love?
In other news...
1. I'm home on summer vacation
2. Chick-fil-a shift tomorrow
3. I played a wicked game of Egyptian Rat Screw tonight
4. Band of Brothers is excellent
5. I'm playing golf this weekend
6. Go Magic
Headed to the Super Bowl
What God convicted me of though is how I count my intentions (while they might be good ones) as actual devotion to Him. Think of it this way, each year around the first week of September, 32 NFL Football teams start out with one goal. Win the Super Bowl. They've trained, they've prepared as best they know how, but...the interesting thing is, only 1 team stands come February as the World Champion. When the other 31 teams sit down to do their evaluations of their seasons and decide what went wrong, I can guarantee you that not one coach says, "Well, we intended to win, so we didn't do a bad job! We wanted it, and its the thought that counts! Let's just go home now." Ha-ha, can you say fail? Teams that don't evaluate why they fell short of their goal need to retool, maybe re-strategize their offseason workouts, or focus on defense more? (Ahem, TB Bucs)
Seems a bit ridiculous right? Since when do good intentions count for anything? See, as a human, looking out at other humans, I label people by what I see them do. I see a man kill someone, I label him as a murderer. But that man may sit in the room with a detective and say "I never meant for anything bad to happen! I didn't mean to kill that person!". And ya know? That murderer probably feels less responsible because, after all, he didn't intend for it to happen. What I was really convicted of was the fact that I do this. I label other people by what they DO, and I label myself by what I INTEND to do.
Exampe: I see a lonely guy in a bookstore, I feel like I should go share the gospel with him (good intention!) but then I walk over to another section hoping he'll leave by the time I muster enough man-courage to go back there and say something. (Failure to fulfill a good intention) But the funny thing is, when the Holy Spirit confronts me about it, I come back with..."Ah God, ya know? I really meant to go over there and say something to him, but he left before I could." Then I walk away actually feeling like a devoted Christian because my intentions are good?! (Bleh.)
As Christians, we can't label ourselves by our intentions. We've become pro's at masking our fear, embaressment, laziness, and pride all under the good intentions blanket, and I can't believe that God would be impressed in simply having good intentions. What God really wants from us is devotion. After all, look at what He gave on the cross! Paul describes himself as a slave to Christ. As a Christian, essentially you're telling God that because of what He's done for you, the greatest response you can have to the cross is to give your entire being to Him, to His service. We've got to fulfill the good intentions placed in us by the Holy Spirit! Intending on going to church isn't equal with actually going there. Intending on witnessing isn't witnessing. Planning on tithing isn't actually tithing. God calls us to die to self daily, He desires action. Jesus says, "If you love me, you'll keep my commandments!" Intending on keeping them isn't the same thing. The Apostle John says the following in I John...
'' Little children, we must stop expressing love merely by our words and manner of speech; we must love also in action and in truth.''Good intentions never win a Super Bowl.
Jesus' Flashback
One of my favorite portions of Scripture is Jesus' own flashback, and it's found in Luke 10:17-20. To set the stage, Jesus had sent out 72 disciples to go minister to the Jews, to heal, and preach the gospel. They return, to put it bluntly, freaking out because of the authority they had over the demons and evil spirits in the villages.
17 The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!" 18And he said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. 20Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."
Ah! There it is! Jesus' own flashback, did you catch it? Imagine this. The returning servants run up to Jesus, "Lord! Even the demons listen and obey us when we speak to them in your name!" Jesus looks up at them and His all-knowing mind flashes back to a time before these 72 servants ever existed, before the earth was fully formed, before Christ took on human form, and Jesus reveals to those standing before Him, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." Wow. Can you imagine the mental image that went through Jesus' mind at the moment? There He is, on His throne where He rightly belongs, and in an instant, the most sinful being in creation is thrown from the presence of God. A powerful flashback I think. Jesus goes on to tell His 72 servants that they should not necessarily rejoice that they have the authority to deal with evil spirits, but rather that their names are written in Heaven.
Jesus here is giving us a very real, and very powerful visual of God and how He deals with sin. Think about this, that the very instant sin (Satan) tried to enter into God's presence it was literally thrown away, like lightning, down to the earth. I mean, have you ever seen lightning strike? It is one of the most powerful natural processes, and is essentially the human equivalent for traveling as fast as possible. Ever heard someone say, 'Wow, he's as fast as lightning!' ? Now imagine the ferociousness, the violence, the power, and the sheer speed of lightning. That's how fast sin travels AWAY from God, its like lightning, which in human terms, is one of the fastest things we can comprehend. That's how fast we would be thrown away from God if we tried to enter into His glory by ourselves.
Jesus tells His disciples not to marvel and rejoice in the authority they have over demons because any authority we have, its all given to us by Jesus. We do nothing. This is why Jesus tells his disciples to rejoice that their names are written in heaven, and to rejoice in their salvation. Because we as humans don't even deserve THAT. God's gift of salvation is the most amazing work in all of eternity. How can we, being so perverted, distorted, and utterly evil, ever maintain a constant relationship with God? The Apostle John tells us that if we say we have no sin, we are lying to ourselves, and that the truth of God isn't in us. One of my biggest problems is not taking sin seriously. Maybe we need to revamp our view of how serious our sin is to God. After all, just look at what happens when sin enters His presence. Even as Christians, we still have sin, but the difference when we accept God's work on the cross is that now God's constant and continual Grace and Mercy wash us clean 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, until we are finally purged of sin when Jesus returns. Christ's blood from the cross not only protects us from being cast away like lightning, but allows us into the very presence of God.
"I cry to you O LORD; I say 'You are my refuge, my portion in the land of the living.'"
- Psalm 142:5
Cutting to the Core
An interesting statement was made by a visiting pastor at Park Street Baptist and I'll never forget what he said. His words were,
This got me thinking, unsaved people can attend church, give to the poor, teach a Sunday school class, quote entire books of the Bible and sing in the church choir. The lost can act religious just like Christians can. They can play every part of the act, yet the question still stands, what truly makes someone a Christian? Jesus Himself answers this question. Without a doubt one of the most powerful moments of intimacy in Jesus' ministry can be found in John 13, where the God of Creation and Eternity stooped down in the garments of a slave to wash His own disciple's feet. This selfless act is a demonstration of Jesus' character. Following the washing He gives a new commandment to His followers, saying
Lost people around the world can serve others, this is true, but the defining mark of a Christian is love that is acted upon because of the salvation and love the Christ has so graciously given to us. No lost person can truly claim this, because they have not experienced salvation through Jesus. Without the residing presence of the Holy Spirit, true & selfless love is impossible. 1 Timothy 1:5 demonstrates the ultimate goal of apostolic teaching when it says,
Love cannot come from an impure heart, a defiled conscience, or a disingenuous faith, and which according to Scripture; a lost person fits all three of these descriptions.When the rich young ruler came to Jesus, asking what he must do to be saved, Jesus responded by saying "Sell all you have and give it to the poor, and only then can you be my disciple" Jesus was not commanding us to sell all our possessions, but rather He was teaching us that we must lay aside every distraction and follow Him. We must treat our possessions for what they really are, gifts from God that are to be used as tools for God. Otherwise the love we show as Christians will be riddled with our own selfish greed for possessions, or we won't show love because we're so caught up in what we possess. All our knowledge of Scripture can be duplicated by the lost. All our church programs to help the community can be cloned. Our music can stir the same emotional experience. But a true Christian is one who, in every situation, acts out of love that has been placed in their heart by Christ in salvation. Jesus said by the love we show, others will know that we serve Him. Miraculous, selfless love brought on by salvation in Christ is the defining essence of what it means to be a Christian.
Think about this prayer Paul prayed for the church in Ephesus... (Ephesians 3)
"When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God."
Love as the Endgame
Let me throw 1 Timothy 1.5 back here…
"The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith"
This verse is directed at Timothy from Paul. Essentially the whole letter is instruction for Timothy on how to lead the church there. (Thank you ESV Study Bible!) But even reading this book through, this theme is pretty clear. The verse itself is in the middle of a section talking about false teachers. (vs. 3-7) The church in Ephesus was dealing with these false teachers and in turn started to wander, speculate, participate in vain discussions, and lack in understanding. With the church wandering in the midst of whatever false doctrine that was there, Paul's statement serves to remind us what true Biblical teaching produces.
Let's put this situation in an American context….
Often here in America, with all the communicative technology we possess (YouTube, Tangle, Digg, Facebook etc.) Christian emails, videos, and audio clips get passed around at the speed of light it seems. With all this Christian content flooding around, we tend to just say to ourselves "Well if it says Christian, it must be true" and then click the forward button. (Believe me, I am really guilty of this.) We give no thought to really look into each video we watch or facebook message we read. As long as it says "Christian" and gives us a good feeling inside, we throw it down the tunnel for the next Christian to pick up. With all this theology being thrown around, perhaps we subconsciously expose ourselves to teachings that are not Biblical. Satan won't always distract us with teachings that go completely against our faith, but rather hopes to ensnare us with essentially the same faith yet with small perversions riddled throughout, like a good, crisp apple, with a colony of maggots inside. (grossssss I know) The apple looks great on the outside, and it even may taste good for a few bites, but once you hit the lil vermin inside of it…it all goes sour. With all this false "Christian" information out there, is it any surprise that absolute truth doesn't exist anymore even in the church? How many times have you sat in a small group that just talks about "What this verse means to me"? Here we again confront the "Window Shopping" mentality. We enjoy being fed with every kind of teaching that claims to be Christian and if it gives us a warm feeling inside, we won't bother to confirm it with Scripture. Swaying even just a little from Biblical truth will lead us into vain discussions, doubts in our faith, and damaging the authority of the Word. Just like the church in Ephesus.
So how is the statement "the aim of our charge is love" livable?
While the church was wandering in speculation, Paul reminds church leadership to remember the aim of their original charge or mandate. While the church wanders, Paul is saying "Wait! Look! We have a goal! A mission! A specific purpose! Stop wandering!" The mandate Paul is taking about was given to apostles by Jesus Himself. We know it today as the Great Commission, the call to preach the gospel, baptize, and make disciples (lifelong followers of Christ). Paul reminds us that the final result of the gospel working in us is the love of Christ being displayed to all. In the notes of my study bible they summarize this statement as "proper apostolic teaching results in good behavior rooted in love." In light of all the videos, emails, and teachings that come our way throughout the course of the week, we need to remember that the ultimate result of any true Biblical instruction should produce an outpouring of love in our lives because of Christ. False Biblical instruction that causes us to participate in vain discussions needs to be avoided at all costs! Believe me, there are places to debate and to discuss controversial issues. However, we need to remember as Romans 13:10 tells us, that love is the fulfillment of all we are called to do as Christians. This means ACTION! This love can only come from experiencing the love demonstrated by Christ for us on the cross!
This kind of love will compel us to go across the street to minister; this kind of love will compel us to stay an extra hour with a hurting friend when we could be getting yard work done.
Instead of taking our fill of teaching that persuades us to be distracted, and causes us to wander in our charge as Christians, let's fill ourselves with teaching that brings us to actively displaying the love of Christ.
Next I want to go through the 3 sources that this love comes from!
Window Shopping for Jesus
"The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith." (ESV)
It's like sometimes I read the Bible like someone would window shop. Yeah, in window shopping every now and then we come across something really, really stinkin awesome in the window..for instance, I would stop walking if I saw a Taylor guitar for under $150 or stuff. I guess you can use your imagination with what you would actually stop for. Maybe a dress, some stylish loafers, one of those cool talking cookie jars, haha, I don't know, use your imagination. My point here though is, when we see something amazing in a store window, usually we just stand there and gaze at it, it sticks in our mind for the rest of the day, and we tell everyone about that great thing we saw in the window. Usually forgetting about it when the next cool window flies by.
Imagine with me though, that instead of treating God's Word like window shopping, we actually run INTO the store at the sight of the amazing item in the window. Too often I look at an amazing verse in the window, and say "Yeah God that's cool!'' Then walk away, failing to realize that INSIDE that store is the author of such an amazing verse, who is seeking more than knowledge of Him, but an experience, and an intimate relationship. What I should do is recognize the amazing "verse in the window" so to speak, as a door to a deeper relationship with God. Asking Him why this verse is here, what's it saying to me, and how can I apply this in my life? How can I let You God use this passage of Scripture to change me into something different, and something more useful to You?
Demon's believe and tremble. Satan knows Scripture just as well as us, if not better. Albeit he misquotes it quite a bit (check out Jesus being tempted). So then what's the difference between us knowing Scripture and the enemy knowing Scripture? I would submit that there really isn't any difference. The difference however comes with what we DO with this knowledge! Satan and his evil horde (horde is such a descriptive word ha) know who Jesus is, and have chosen their pride and sin instead. We as believers know the Word (Jesus) and have chosen HIM. We have the very Spirit of God who promises to "guide us into all truth".
This is kinda a rough reason as to why I started this blog. I'm interested in really getting to the livability (yes, made up word. haha) of Scripture. This is simply a testing ground for bringing Scripture fresh from being read and stored in my mind into a simple action plan that is carried out. I Timothy 1:5 is kinda the verse that kicked this thing off. So I think for the next few posts I want to break this sucker down so that we can turn it around and live it, instead of using it as an answer in another class.
If you decide to stick around, feel free to comment, critique, or anything.. if I'm wrong, call me on it.
In other news,
1. the new Decemberist album will take some getting used to.
2. the bucs need to trade for jay cutler
3. my NCAA bracket was dead, and is now slowly crawling back to life for the Sweet 16
4. call of duty's new zombie level is hard
5. its finally warming up in Lynchburg