
Following who?

It's been awhile on here for me.. haven't really found myself with the time/energy/devotion to keep up with this thing, but, its not under a deadline or anything, which is fantastic.

I don't have long to write, but just wanted to make note of one particular thing that has been in my mind recently, and when I say recently, I mean about 2 weeks ago haha, I wrote some of this post and have recently returned to it...but the thoughts are still legit, but this has been on my heart, and is simply stated..."A life lived unto God is useless unless it is lived in obedience TO God"

Obvious? Yes. Easy to live, no.

In this age of Christian celebrities (authors, muscians, pastors) honestly we've lost a sense of awe in the reason. In God. We feed off of others relationships with our Father, not out of our own. Its a sort of weird, misconstrued, and vicarious Christianity we've created. Christianity is supposed to be vicarious, it's supposed to be Jesus living through us. Yet we come so close to worshipping great men and women who merely have a relationship with the same God we all serve. We live in the relationship God has with Chris Tomlin, David Crowder, Beth Moore, Rob Bell, C.S. Lewis, or whoever you look up to. I'm not saying we shouldn't have spiritual heroes or that we cannot learn from their experiences, but what I am saying is that there comes a point where we must seek to relate with God and interact with God in such a way that it far surpasses our desire to BE like our heroes. Our Savior is intimate, He is personal, and asks of His followers an intimate and personal obedience.

Jesus says in John 15, "I am the vine, you are the branches, he who abides in me and I in Him bears much fruit." It is only through our Savior that we find fulfillment, life, and purpose. At the close of the book of John, Jesus is walking with His disciples after His resurrection. Jesus looks at Peter and tells Peter how he will die... after Peter learns how he himself will meet his own demise, Peter then looks at the Apostle John and asks Jesus, "What about John? How will he die?" Jesus' response reflects what we, as His followers, should emulate. Jesus says to Peter, "What is it to you, Peter, if John remains alive till I return? It doesn't matter to you, you follow me Peter."

Christ calls us to His vision of the world, and let me be careful to not let my relationship with my Creator become founded on any other rock except for Jesus Himself.